February 21, 2007
Request for inclusion of PVC fixtures in the common specification on public housing construction

@The common specification on public housing construction, which is supervised by the Housing Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, is a list of useable construction materials for public housing construction. The current 2004 edition will be revised to make a 2007 edition. The Plastic Sash Industry Association, The Japan Plastic Industry Federation, Japan Sash Manufacturers Association@and VEC jointly submitted a letter of request to include PVC fixtures to the gfederation of public housing businessesh.
@Although metal and timber fixtures are stipulated in the specification, there is no specification on resin fixtures whose use is on the rise in recent years. We made the request since we consider it natural for PVC sashes to be stipulated in it also, since its use rate abroad is high, and domestic adoption is also on the rise. For your information, PVC inner windows have been used for more than 25 years in schools, hospitals and public housing in Hokkaido.