March 22, 2007
PVC News #60 issued

JPEC (Japan PVC Environmental Affairs Council) issued #60 of PVC News. This issue marks the 15th year since publication, therefore we asked Ms. Miyoko Matsuda (commissioner for Japan Atomic Energy Commission, Cabinet Office, and former professor at Fuji Tokoha University) for a special contribution. We also had headlines such as gthe re-evaluation of PVC coated cables for government office buildingsh and gNew applications for PVC containing mixed plastic wastes from the construction sectorh. As for the gVisionh section we had Ms. Yuko Morifs (President of Hachiou and also a counselor on the Environment) opinion regarding the treatment of industrial wastes. On the gRecyclingh section we introduced Ube Industriesf and Tosohfs treatment of plastic wastes from the cement industry. At the gInformationh section we introduced the summary of the endocrine disruptor issue and the outcome of research on plasticizers.
PVC News can be viewed from JPECfs website also (in Japanese)