February 19, 2014
 Plastic Education Liaison Committee

  As plastics became a part of curriculum covered by the science classes for middle school, VEC, in cooperation with Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA), the Plastics Industry Federation, and Plastic Waste Management Institute, organized the Plastic Education Liaison Committee. The activities by the Committee aim at an improvement of the chemical perspective and perception and the understanding of plastic products by those who involved in science education.

Presentation at
Kobe Science Museum

  VEC, as one of Plastic Education Liaison Committee members, held two seminars: One was held in Morioka, Iwate prefecture last October, and the other was sponsored by JICA on January 26, 2014. The latter one was about “a teaching method corresponding to the new science curriculum” and held in Kobe Science Museum. The seminar entitled “Let's learn more about the plastic around us!” drew over 30 middle and high school teachers coming from not only Kobe city but also Osaka and Mie prefecture. The teachers asked many questions on plastics and requested to send a sample sheet of plastic. They are very eager to use the sample sheet in their classes. This shows their high interest in plastics.